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Tasmanian Brick Enthusiasts Membership or Brixhibition Exhibitor Enquiries

  • Are you over 18 years of age?
  • Love to build custom LEGO creations?
  • Like to display your own Lego custom built creations as an exhibitor at Brixhibition?
  • Have a chance to interact with other Adult Fans of Lego?
  • Please note that The Tasmanian Brick Enthusiasts Inc. is an ADULT FAN OF LEGO (AFOL) club.

    *Please enter your full name

    *Please enter your e-mail address

    *Please enter your phone number

    *Street Address

    *City / Town / Suburb

    *Your Date of Birth

    *Please describe some of your CUSTOM built Lego creations (Not Lego kits)

    Are you an Exhibitor, Retailer or Volunteer?

    How did you hear about Brixhibition?
    Poster or Flyer
    You Tube
    Word of Mouth

    Please enter the security code below:

    Captcha Code

    *I have read and agree to the Tasmanian Brick Enthusiasts Inc. Constitution
    *I acknowledge that this form is an enquiry only, and does not necessary guarantee
    Tasmanian Brick Enthusiasts Inc. membership, or become a Brixhibition exhibitor.